dB Blocker™

The smartest hearing protection in the world

The Smartest Hearing Protection
in the World

For over three decades, Custom Protect Ear/ProtectEar USA has been the leader in providing effective, verifiable, and noise level matched hearing protection at a cost lower than disposable earplugs.

Custom Fit Solutions

dB Blocker™ Classic Metal Detectable (Vented)

Designed to cater to environments where Metal Detectible hearing protection is mandatory while providing superior comfort and communication

dB Blocker™ Convertible (Vented)

Directly connects to our dB COM 2-way radio accessories and allows users to safely communicate in noise while having their hearing protected

Crystal Clear Two Way Communication

Custom Fit Solutions

dB Blocker™ Classic Metal Detectable (Vented)

Designed to cater to environments where Metal Detectible hearing protection is mandatory while providing superior comfort and communication

To Learn More About Hearing Protection

    dB Blocker™

    dB Blockers™ offer “The Smartest Hearing Protection in the World”

    dB Com™

    dB Com™ provides custom industrial hearing protection that allows for two-way communication

    dB Life™

    With dB Life™, conversations become clearer and more engaging;